Selenite Pendant With Green Tourmaline

R$ 45,90


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Selenite Pendant With Green Tourmaline with 925 silver plating from Brazil (chain not included). Selenite: The Magic Crystal for Spiritual Contact Selenite is a special Crystal that strengthens our spirituality and greatly increases contact with our guides and spiritual masters. It connects us with the purest energies of the spirit and connects us with higher planes and extraterrestrial fraternities. It is one of the most powerful purification stones in the world, being even capable of cleaning the energy of other stones. The Selenite stone channels a large amount of light and high vibrations and thus promotes strong spiritual elevation, as it activates the 12th Chakra, known as “Gateway of the Stars.Meaning and Energies of SeleniteSelenite is a crystal full of light, capable of establishing contact with the highest spiritual realms.It increases our vibration and enables encounters with Spiritual Guides and Angels during dreams and meditations.Its energy generates a protective shield around, awakens telepathy and strengthens mediumship. It purifies the Aura and eliminates all negativity accumulated in the physical, mental and spiritual body. Selenite also greatly clears the mind and opens the doors to our spiritual and professional growth. Therapeutic Effects of Selenite Selenite greatly strengthens the bones, improves cases of Arthritis , helps fight cancer and eliminate tumors. It helps in the treatment of epilepsy, increases libido and fertility, removes blockages in the spine and rejuvenates the physical body. Its energies also remove mental confusion, reduce stress and anxiety and favor the purification of the physical and spiritual bodies.Cleansing and Energizing SeleniteSelenite is a special crystal that has the ability to purify itself and can even be used to cleanse the energies of other stones.To accelerate its purification, clean it with wet tissues and blow on it, visualizing all the negative energy (captured by it) going away. To recharge your energy, leave it under the moonlight for 3 hours or in the sunlight for a maximum of 10 minutes, as it is sensitive to heat. use Selenite For spiritual protection and to purify your energy field, use a Selenite pendant or keep a raw Selenite with you on a daily basis. To purify, protect and attract very positive energies into your home, keep a good-sized Selenite in a fixed point in your living room or bedroom. If you want to make contact with your spiritual guides, meditate with Selenite and maintain a deep desire to evolve. If kept in contact with other stones during the night, Selenite will purify all your energies. - Uses and Applications of Selenite - Contact with our spiritual guides - Spiritual elevation - Intense energetic purification - Accelerate our evolution - Strengthen mediumship and intuition - Protection against negative energies - Energy cleaning of other stones - Calm the mind and emotions Green Tourmaline and its meanings and propertiesGreen Tourmaline has been, since the ancient Greeks, the stone that brought light to darkness. The word Tourmaline originates from the Sinhalese “tura mali”, which means the stone that attracts ash (a reference to its pyroelectric properties). All hemimorphic crystals are piezoelectric and often also pyroelectric. When heated, tourmaline crystals become electrically charged – positively at one end and negatively at the other, just like a battery. Due to this effect, tourmaline crystals in collections may have a layer of dust that is not recommended when displayed under lights that produce a lot of heat. Tourmaline's unusual electrical properties made it famous in the 18th century. Egyptian legends say that Tourmalines passed along a rainbow on their ascent from the center of the Earth, thus taking on all the beautiful colors of the spectrum. Green Tourmaline was considered the stone that brought light to darkness. In mythology, this stone illuminated the Goddesses and their Temples. Green Tourmaline or Verdelite, Verdelite, Brazilian Emerald, is a majestic gemstone that has great healing effects and an unusual ability to become electrically charged. If you move your energy and thoughts to high frequencies, Green Tourmaline can restore strength to the mind and spirit. Its healing energy is extremely great, which is also capable of treating health problems in plants and animals. Of all the precious stones, this is the one with the most rejuvenating properties. Green is the classic color for crystals with healing and restoring powers, and in the case of tourmalines, it is one of the most valuable. The tourmaline group minerals constitute one of the most complex groups of silicate minerals in terms of their chemical composition, all of which are they cyclosilicates. It is a set of boron and aluminum silicate minerals, whose composition is very variable due to the isomorphic substitutions (in solid solution) that can occur in its structure. The elements that most commonly participate in these replacements are iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium and lithium, and there are other elements that can also occur. Tourmalines in general come in a wide variety of colors. Generally, tourmalines rich in iron range from black or bluish-black to dark brown, those rich in magnesium are brown to yellow and tourmalines rich in lithium come in practically all the colors of the rainbow, blue, green, red, yellow or pink etc. They are very rarely colorless. Bicolored and multicolored crystals are relatively common, reflecting variations in fluid composition during crystallization. The crystals may be green on one end and pink on the other, or green on the outside with a pink interior (the latter type is sometimes called watermelon tourmaline). The most common variety of tourmaline is schorl, described by first time by Johannes Mathesius in 1524. It is estimated that it may correspond to 95% or more of all tourmaline existing in nature. The meaning of the word schorl is a mystery as it is perhaps a word of Scandinavian origin. Brightly colored tourmaline gems from Sri Lanka were brought to Europe in large quantities by the Dutch West India Company to satisfy their He seeks it as an object of curiosity and as a gem. At that time it was not known that schorl and tourmaline were the same mineral. Tourmaline has good prismatic cleavage and poor rhombohedral cleavage. Its fracture is subconchoidal to regular. It has a hardness of 7-7.5 and its specific weight is 2.9-3.2, the density is higher in iron-bearing species. It ranges from transparent to opaque with a vitreous luster, sometimes resinous in dark specimens. Tourmaline crystallizes in the trigonal system and generally appears in the form of long, thin to prismatic and thick columnar crystals, generally with a triangular section. An interesting fact is that the endings of the crystals are asymmetrical (hemimorphism). Thin prismatic crystals are common in a fine-grained granite called aplite, often forming a radial pattern. Tourmaline is distinguished by its three-faced prisms; no other common mineral has three faces. Prisms often have well-marked vertical striations that produce a rounded triangular effect. Tourmaline is very rarely euhedral. An exception was the dravites of Yinnietharra, western Australia. The deposit was discovered in the 1970s but unfortunately is now exhausted. Green Tourmaline, unlike its other colors, has unique spectrum characteristics. This is because each color presents a different element in the composition of the crystal and a different vibration. Green Tourmaline is enormously calming and restful and has a strong healing effect on psychosomatic problems and illnesses. In meditation, she is a bearer of light and helps us to better achieve our goals, providing well-being for the body and soul. Through their polaric properties, Tourmalines remove energies that block our body, spirit and soul, bringing well-being. Green Tourmaline penetrates the heart and our blood circulation, strengthening the heart muscle, veins, arteries and lungs. The exchange of oxygen in the lungs is favored and blood pressure is regulated through the heart. It is highly recommended for people with depression, psychosomatic illnesses and nervous system problems.

Additional information

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 1×1×6 cm