Raw Azurite

R$ 69,90

Raw Azurite

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Raw Azurite from Brazil. The product photo corresponds exactly to what you are buying (Collector's piece!).

Azurite is a blue, copper-based stone, usually found alongside malachite. It is an extremely powerful and important crystal, considered by history as the jewel of wisdom. The priests of ancient Egypt used it to increase spiritual awareness.

The medium Edgar Cayce spoke of its ability to help you gain mental control and enter a state of meditation more easily.

It helps its bearer to free themselves from the past, predict and accept the future with good will, and at the same time gain a better understanding of life. It improves the ability to reach the subconscious and objectively examine mental states. This clarifies the mind making you more able to gain insights and pure thinking. It can help you recognize your inner resources.

Although it can be applied to illnesses in any part of the body, azurite has an affinity with the mind and mental processes.


Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces
Venus planet
Chakra: Sixth
Profession: Scientist, Detective, Inventor, Psychologist
Origin: Arizona, United States, Egypt and Russia
Hardness: 3.5 – 4 Mohs
Chemical composition: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 Copper, carbonate, calcium, cobalt, zinc, sulfur, iron and chromium

Esoteric and psychic effects:

Develop mediumship
Mind control
Promotes insights
Self knowledge
Helps in alternating mental states
Third eye opening

Therapeutic effects:

Restructures molecules
Revitalizes the brain
Rebuilds gray matter
Promotes pregnancy

Additional information

Weight 139 g
Dimensions 10×4×4 cm


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