Árvore de Hematita (Base Mista)

R$ 39,90

Árvore de Hematita (Base Mista)

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MARAVILHOSA Árvore de Hematita em Pedra Rolada Natural do Brasil. Feita manualmente com pedra rolada natural colada nos galhos de arame torcido em base de pedras mistas. Essa peça é extremamente delicada e é um excelente presente!

Hematite: Strength and Personal Protection

Hematite is a protective stone that dispels negativity and prevents negative vibrations from reaching our personal energy field (Aura). Because it has a very positive vibration, it increases our energy, increases our confidence and reduces shyness. Its vibrations help to overcome fears and addictions, balance Yin and Yang energy in the body.

Energies and Meaning of Hematite

A Hematita é a pedra com maior poder de aterramento no planeta, ela desintegra todos energias negativas e cria um escudo de proteção espiritual ao seu redor.

Esta pedra desperta o amor próprio, fortalece nossa coragem e determinação e reduz a timidez. Ela recarrega nossa energia, estimula a concentração, ajuda a superar vícios, equilibra o apetite e evita que energias negativas se prendam a Aura. Por canalizar energias de planos elevados, favorece nossa evolução, ajuda a desenvolver habilidades psíquicas.

Therapeutic Effects of Hematite

It is a strong ally for treating circulatory problems and increasing our energy and disposition. Hematite helps the kidneys clean the blood, regenerates tissues and helps align the spine. It stimulates iron absorption and the formation of red blood cells, treats cramps and combats anxiety and insomnia.

Cleansing and Energizing Hematite

Hematite should not go through the salt cleaning process, as this could scratch and damage its surface. To clean your energy, wash it under running water and dry it well after cleaning so that it does not rust. As it is a grounding stone, it can be energized by contact with sunlight for at least 4 hours.

How to Use Hematite?

For personal protection and to increase your energy, wear it in the form of jewelry or carry it with you. To protect and purify environments, choose a larger Hematite and leave it in a fixed location in a more central room in your home. If you want Hematite for therapy, leave it close to the base of the spine or in the place you want to treat.

Additional information

Weight 100 g
Dimensions 4×4×7 cm